Sunday 27 June 2010

My ideal job

Hiiiiiiii, oh this is the last session :(.

My ideal job would be to work in a farm, in a zoo or travel around the world to save wild animals (like Steve Irwin!!!).
In general I don't have problems to work alone or in a work team, but I prefer to work with some classmate (in general with a person that I know).
In this moment of my life these three jobs would make me happy because I love animals in general but in the end I think that in this moment, the world is in danger for deforestation, air pollution, etc. because of this, I think that wild life is in more danger than the domestical animals.
An important factor is the money (personally I don't think the money do all in life, but is an important thing), because of this, to be a good vet, I mean, to have good resources to help animals (especially wild animals) I need it because unfortunately all is money in this world :(.
About schedule, I think that it is very fluctuant, the emergency could be at any time, because of this, I wouldn't have a predeterminated schedule. Related to have a boss, well, if I'm going to have it, the only thing that I don't want is: that he looks like Mr. Burns (for inside and outside).
I think that I could contribute to my career in this area more than other areas because first, I love wild animals and I know that they are very important to the world in many aspects and second, because in this area, ecology, there is so much work to do.
I'm decided to be the best vet of the world :D
Bye pre-intermediate course!!!!! T_T

Paul Dufflocq U.
Veterinary Medicine
University of Chile

first post! xD

Camila del Campo say:

Your posts are so nice! Always!!!
I really think that in a few years you'll be the best!!!
Come with me, to Hawaii :D

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