Sunday 27 June 2010

My ideal job

Hiiiiiiii, oh this is the last session :(.

My ideal job would be to work in a farm, in a zoo or travel around the world to save wild animals (like Steve Irwin!!!).
In general I don't have problems to work alone or in a work team, but I prefer to work with some classmate (in general with a person that I know).
In this moment of my life these three jobs would make me happy because I love animals in general but in the end I think that in this moment, the world is in danger for deforestation, air pollution, etc. because of this, I think that wild life is in more danger than the domestical animals.
An important factor is the money (personally I don't think the money do all in life, but is an important thing), because of this, to be a good vet, I mean, to have good resources to help animals (especially wild animals) I need it because unfortunately all is money in this world :(.
About schedule, I think that it is very fluctuant, the emergency could be at any time, because of this, I wouldn't have a predeterminated schedule. Related to have a boss, well, if I'm going to have it, the only thing that I don't want is: that he looks like Mr. Burns (for inside and outside).
I think that I could contribute to my career in this area more than other areas because first, I love wild animals and I know that they are very important to the world in many aspects and second, because in this area, ecology, there is so much work to do.
I'm decided to be the best vet of the world :D
Bye pre-intermediate course!!!!! T_T

Paul Dufflocq U.
Veterinary Medicine
University of Chile

first post! xD

Camila del Campo say:

Your posts are so nice! Always!!!
I really think that in a few years you'll be the best!!!
Come with me, to Hawaii :D

Wednesday 16 June 2010



My favourite subject is Math (my classmates will kill me xD) but I don't care >:D.
Math is my best subject because I have my best marks. My mom is a math teacher, because of this, I learned math since I was a little child. In these time, the biology is highly related to math, because of this, is very important to know math. In the end, everything is math hahahah (seriously, they will kill me xD). To be a good vet I need math, for example in the future, I need to know what is the correct quantity of medicine that I will give to the animals or I need to know business and personal financial management if I want to work in a company.
In math we learned: Summatory, Functions and models, Limits, Derivatives, Matriz.
Classmates if you have problems with this subject you can tell me :), I don't have problems in explaining to you :). Remember that the INTEGRATIVE TEST is not complicated but if you don't study I can't do magic :/.

Sunday 6 June 2010

Steve Irwin

Steve Robert Irwin was born in Australia in 1962, his nickname was “The crocodile hunter” (Animal Planet's program).
He was a wildlife expert and a conservationist who did a lot for nature and environment, he died on 2006 because of a stingray who attack him when he was filming in Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. He has a wife, one son called Bob and a daughter called Bindy.
In his career, Steve Irwin travel around the world showing us the nature and wildlife in different places and the important that is protecting it. In 1997 Steve discovered a new species of sea turtle. He founded the Steve Irwin Conservation Foundation, which was later renamed Wildlife Warriors Worldwide in other things that Steven did.
I choose this person because he is an example of love for the animals, nature and wildlife of the planet. In this moment the environment is in danger for the factory contamination, deforestation, air pollution, etc. Is very necessary to think about it if we want a clean planet to live.
In his TV program I learn much about animals and it's very funny for example when Steve say “ HOOO this is the most poisonous snake of the world!!!...we have to touch it!!” xD hahahahahahahahaaaaa.
I think that protect the nature is a very important thing because if the nature disappear the life in the world cannot be…… I would like to do it in the future because it's a great work.

Wednesday 19 May 2010


Guat zaaaaapppp!!! hahahaha :B Hi, I'm me again! Well this time I'll tell you my history.

I finished school in 2006, on the next year I get in to my first career, Civil Construction in PUC.

I choose this career because in school I take Physics and Math, but time would show me my real way, cause when I was a kid I wanted to study Veterinary Medicine

I've lived most of my life in the country, close to animals, so I have a special feeling for them, they drive my attention and I'm in constant contact with them.

My last career help me to developed as a person and to learn how to study correctly and to organize (really important things in University), but when I was in my third year I decide to quit cause I notes that I wasn't what I wanted to do the rest of my life. So I spoke with my parents and, luckily, they support me.

This was my last chance to study what I wanted, so I study really hard for PSU and I get a great score and get into the career.

I think this is a career that in certain areas is a little saturated but in reality it has several areas, it's just a matter of searching and gives your 1000% and you will achieve your goals.

I think it's a really beautiful and difficult career, you have to put all your effort and time, because there's always new things to learn.

Now I note the big differences between the universities. I always felt that I didn't match in PUC. I made a lot of good friends but I didn't felt comfortable with the place and the career, but now I'm really happy, my classmates are nice and the feeling you get is quite special, I love that. Another plus, is that you can make "parties" and have a nice time. So in general, the campus, faculty and career had reached my expectative.

About what I would like to do when I finish the career, I can say that I'm not really sure, cause I don't know all the possibilities I have, but for the moment Animal Production, Horses and Exotic Animals call my attention, but it's going to be a really hard decision for me because I like almost all animals, so I'm going to think about it and research before I make my decision.

Wednesday 28 April 2010


Hi, my name is Pablo, I was born in Santiago, Chile. I'm 21 years old.
I'm a friendly boy :), I like play the drums, sleep an eat very much.
I study veterinary medicine in UCH.
We are four brothers, our ages are 39, 37, 34 and I with 21 years old. I studied Civil Construction in PUC (bububuuuuu)for three years, but I didn't like it so much as veterinary medicine. I have a small dog so called Toffee, he is the best!!!, he jumps all the time when I'm whit him :), I love him :D